
This website is dedicated to the beautiful waterfalls of Malaysia.

Descriptions of the falls, visited by our team, can be found by using the "Waterfalls" menu at the top, where they have been arranged by state and by accessibility.
Visitors can also view and plan visits to available waterfalls in a specific region using the "Location Map"

The Latest News

New Falls Added, Updates & New Event ! 08-01-2025
Selangor : Gerachi Jaya Fall

Pahang : Pelaga Falls, Tarang Fall, Jeransang Falls and Kong Cascade Falls

Perak : Talam Falls

UPDATED : WoM Site History & Summarized Yr 2024 News

For the 1st group hike of the year, we will be visiting Kedemok Falls. Click here to sign up for participation!

Have infomation about a new or existing waterfalls?
Drop us a comment at the respective waterfall page or from "Contact" tab at the top right of the page. Thank you~

Latest visitor comment

Sg Ampang Falls (Kemensah) 10-01-2025
I spoke with the Orang Asli of Kampung Hulu Kemensah. They say that they refer to the middle falls as 'Lata Pahong' and the upper falls as 'Lata Tiang'.

Waterfall of the Day

Jeram Kingfisher, Selangor
A low height cascade waterfall with a small pool. Relatively unknown to most.

Latest New Waterfall

Kong Cascade Falls, Pahang
A small waterfall known to the locals as Lata Chenderong with cascade falls upriver.

The website contains descriptions of 290 waterfalls.
We are on FB!!
    Waterfalls of Malaysia has now its dedicated FaceBook page: WoM (Waterfalls of Malaysia)   

Have a look!

Last update 08-01-2025