The History of Waterfalls of Malaysia

Around 1994, Khong and a group of friends around him became interested in waterfalls around Malaysia. Travelling all around the country, they collected information about waterfalls and published it on the Internet.
(An archived copy of the old site is available here)

In 2003, waterfalls caught the interest of Jan who stumbled upon Khong's waterfall website when searching for more information on waterfalls in Malaysia. Jan & Khong got acquainted and the idea of WoM was born. Jan archived a copy of Khong's webpages and went on to develop Waterfalls of Malaysia. Travelling to multiple states & many remote regions of Malaysia, Jan photographed and documented his adventures before publishing on WoM website for others to attempt. In 2021, Joshua joined as a regular contributer taking over the duties of maintaining the website from Jan who has taken a backseat. Jan continues to mentor and provide backend support.

Waterfalls of Malaysia would also like to acknowledge and thank all the waterfall enthusiast like the late Harry Nian✝, Siang Hui, Faye, Joe Yap & many others who generously shared information of new waterfall discoveries for everyone to enjoy.

Honorary Members

Khong Tuck Koon
The Pioneer. Visited waterfalls around Malaysia in the early days & published them on the web. Retired and now into birding.
Jan Stuivenberg
The Founder, who created WoM. An expat from Holland, a country flat as a pancake. Probably because of that very interested in waterfalls. Dedicated many years to keeping this website active and updated.

Current Webmaster

Joshua Tee
Avid waterfall hunter whos obsession includes riding motorcycles and waterfall photography. Can be spotted out in the wild in his signature orange shirt lugging around a camera & tripod.