Cempi Falls
Cempi Falls is a waterfall series located deep within the rural region of Pos Titom consisting of 4 medium height waterfalls centered closely together. Access to the village is one of the challenges visitors will face with a long drive from the main access road that takes an estimated time of 2 hours. Besides facing long sections of untarred road in the interior region, there are also muddy and potholed dirt road sections that will require 4x4 vehicles to pass.(especially during wet seasons) There are no accommodations nearby and visitors will need to be prepared to camp by the outskirts of the village where a campground is available. The hike while not being high on the difficulty scale is still challenging with steep and narrow trail sections walking along the hill slopes beside the stream. This waterfall is NOT suitable for beginners and should only be attempted with a guide that is familiar with the region.
Head to Sg Koyan town as the landmark. Visitors can also use the northern route coming down from Ringlet, Cameron Highlands as well. There are 2 access roads into Pos Lenjang area. There is an old road (gravel/dirt condition) from the north (Image 1); visitors from Ringlet can choose to use this access road. It is nearer but the road conditions can be more challenging during wet seasons. The alternative is to use the same access route from Pos Betau.(Image 2) The road condition from Pos Betau is reasonably maintained and continues to a newly constructed single lane tarred road. Unfortunately the tarred road does not extend all the way to the interior and visitors will be travelling on gravel road (relatively flat) passing several aboriginal villages. After passing Kg SOP (4.27945, 101.56659), keep a look out for the junction down a metal bridge. Cross the bridge and turn right to head to Pos Titom. (left is to Pos Lejang instead) The road up to Pos Titom is mostly cemented road in good condition, but there are sections which are not cemented and consist of dirt roads with muddy pot holes. After passing the steep and narrow cemented road section, visitors will arrive at the outskirts of the village where there is a river crossing constructed with cement slabs.(Image 3.) Visitors can camp here before the river crossing where Pos Titom has prepared a designated area for outsiders to rest for the night.
Proceed by foot from here on out. 1st visitors will have to cross the main stream of Sg Enchey across the cement slabs. There is a lime tree orchard here after the river. Take the right turn up the hill and navigate thru the orchard where visitors will find themselves at a corn & rice field next. At the left of the field is a hill ridge trail up the mountain. Follow this unmarked but well used trail into the jungle. Follow this orang asli trail keeping to the left of the stream without any river crossings. There are no side junctions either so ensure to keep to the main trail only without deviation. After crossing a steep hillside slope trail, the landscape will be more gradual where visitors will reach a junction near a cascade fall.(Image 4.) The trail seems to indicate a clear path up the steep slope on the left, but this is actually a hunting trap trail. Many wired traps are set here of unknown type so avoid going up the hill. Proceed straight thru the faint trail towards the river instead to reach the 1st waterfall.
The water is very cold and crystal clear. A medium sized and rather deep pool at Cempi Falls 4 provides a nice swimming spot before visitors return using the same trail as per entry.
Exploration Notes : More falls upriver might be possible but have not been attempted.
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Waterfalls can be dangerous ! Always take care about your safety